Well, on this historic day, many years ago in 1738, a fairly ordinary Anglican Vicar felt his heart strangely warmed as he heard some guy preach on the book of Romans. The result was a complete turn around in his life and consequently in the make-up of industrialised britain.
I've been reading a biography of wesley over the past month and one thing i've learnt is that he was more of a radical than we could ever imagine. It's estimated that he travelled about a quarter of a million miles on horse back preaching the gospel around britain, and most place he visited he caused a riot! His preaching caused people to hurl stones and entire towns to insist he moved on.
One thing that i didn't know was that prior to wesley, hymn singing was not practiced in the church of england, but having experienced alternative forms of worship elsewhere, wesley believed felt that hymn singing was not heretical and would be of benefit to the people of britain, so he introduced the practice which overtime has become commonplace in most mainline protestant churches.
302 years after wesley was born i think it might just be time to recognise that the practice which was relavant to him has now become irrelevant and and needs to be jettisoned in favour of new ways of being church that relate to our culture as those practices related to his... if only we were as brave and radical as he!
i can agree with the article
Posted by: Pharmacie En Ligne | November 16, 2011 at 04:32 PM