While studying at Cliff i had the privilege of meeting some fine people at St Toms in Sheffield. One of which i've been spying on via the blogosphere for a little while but yesterday i let the cat out of the bag and revealed i'd been watching from afar... anyway Ben's blog is great, some fine musings from a good man involved in some really good work, so i've whacked him on the blog roll...
I remember v. fondly my days at St Tom's. The rector there Mike Green was probably the finest preacher man i've ever known but the best thing about the church was that it really celebrated diversity. Everyone says they do, but they really did. Parallel congregations (clusters) were the norm and they were so different. Some were based on geography, some on age groupings, some on cultural things like how arty or musical you are... it was great.
The other exciting thing about St Tom's was and still is the order of mission to those who like me are fascinated by monastacism you need to check this out. The rule of life commits to simplicity, purity and accountability... and it isn't taken lightly!
Also added Pete Phillips to the blog roll. Another good friend from Cliff days who i'm hoping to catch up with this weekend... watch this space!
Hi there Philly boy! Just dropping by and thought i'd say hello. love reading what you're thinking! Really interesting stuff. And full marks for regular blogging too! Love Yaz
Posted by: Yaz | June 22, 2005 at 08:53 PM