I try my best to keep an eye on what is reported in the british press re. anytihng to do with church so apologies that i missed this article last saturday about what makes a growing church. In the article Colin Sedgewick rightly says that around the country are many churches of all denomination that are "energetic and growing", so those that are declining should pay attention... he goes on to highlight a number of clearly identifiable traits in these 'successful' churches.
I read the article just this morning and although with my trad hat on i found it interesting, with my emergent hat i found it saddening, because for the emerging church surely 'energetic and growing' are not the qualities by which we judge our success, and i'm not quite sure mainline denominations should be using them either... i'm trying to think of two other alternatives which might suit the emerging church; deep and open? sincere and loving? any ideas???