Yes, yes, i know we're all post-denominational and all that, but forgive me for a minute while i give three reasons why it's good to be a methodist at the minute...
- we've never really had any major problem with women... in fact our founder was a big fan of them!!!
- we've just begun a year of prayer... ooh we're so spiritual
- the incoming president of the methodist church is a legend. I heard him speak last year and he was talking about liquid church, alternative worship and all sorts, and in his presidential address (thanks for the link lou) said things like...
"The Holy Spirit is blowing in the world today, raising up new Christians amongst the poor in the Southern continents. In the rich West, the same Spirit is surfacing in people outside of traditional Church. In our post-modern, post denominational culture, religion has not died. Spirituality flourishes but has rather become de-regulated as individuals, rejecting traditional Church chase after myths and Da Vinci Code fantasies."