This week I have the great privilege of hosting the Carnival of the Green, a weekly round-up of all things ethical. A big thanks to Jen for hosting the Carnival last week, and to City Hippy and Triple Pundit- the genius behind this idea. Next week The Ester Republic is hosting.
Hippyshopper has a summary of some water saving gadgets.
JBruno @ The Voltage Gate explains why he feels natural places should be conserved.
Josh presents Speaking of the Supreme Court and climate change posted at Thoughts from Kansas.
Starling presents Environment Be Dammed posted at The Business of America is Business. Judy greatly admires Bill Millison, Bill The Permaculture Guy's for his awesome expertise, but finds that he has a strangely misinformed view of a vegetarian diet.
Sludgie has much to say as Bush, who up to now may have the worst enviro record of any president, declares the largest marine preserve in the world in the Hawaiian Islands.
CityHippy questions the targeting of SUV drivers when surely more would be gained from engaging with ALL drivers instead of just demonising and alienating a minority.
Sally Kneidel PhD, co-author of Veggie Revolution, writes a review of Jeff Barrie's documentary "Kilowatt Ours." It's a very personal and engaging film about people affected by our country's dependence on coal. The beginning documents the health and environmental consequences of our energy consumption. The last half documents just as carefully and convincingly the details of the easy solution.
The Greener Magazine argues that China's newly completed Three Gorges Dam may prove to be a double edged sword when it comes to the environment.
John discusses his first foray into do-it-yourself organic winemaking at home.
A Guide to Green Living offers advice on sustainable methods of maintaining your lawn.
Don Bosch over at The Evangelical Ecologist links to a project by Acton's PowerBloggers to eradicate malaria (and the mosquitoes that carry it) through the judicious use of DDT.
Dr. Fuhrman discusses
the chemical contamination of fish
Riversider presents Riverworks - Pub Debate Primer posted at Save The Ribble!
For those who feel strangely tempted to keep chickens Groovy Green has some sound advice.
Ecostreet gives an introduction to the farmer's weekly food miles campaign, which sounds thoroughly worthwhile.
Chekhov answers a reader's question about what to do with formaldehyde-releasing particleboard
what the hell are you eating?
good to see your face and read of your musings....
don't take all this emerging church shit too seriously the end it ain't about how we do its' what we do....and that comes down to broken incarnate compassionate love for those who don't fit
sorry to have lost contact my friend....
Posted by: Chambers | July 03, 2006 at 03:11 PM
ok, maybe 'emerging church shit too seriously' is not my wisest and most profound comment - no offense to anyone meant, i just get tired of new ways of being 'trendy' church...lots of real and good people doing some good stuff...walk on
Posted by: chambers | July 05, 2006 at 08:03 AM
I’ve never any pity for conceited people, because I think they carry their comfort about with them
Posted by: Air Jordans | November 01, 2010 at 05:54 AM
Carnival: So, I'm curious - do you think this a heinously offensive homage to violence against women or an evocative commentary on themes that already (more subtlely and insidiously) exist in our media?
Posted by: VigRX Plus | January 23, 2011 at 08:57 PM
Hello.Which AEC setting to use for which movie -
i recently have come across the problem of deciding which setting goes with which movie and vise versa, i'm still new to the AEC quality setting and i have only done one movie so far and that was se7en using the default (sharp) setting. the movie came out great, it looks just like the original to me. but what about the other settings, how are they effective. for example i want to compress the godfather and i know its around 56 percent compression, which AEC setting should i use and why, and could someone please give me a basic breakdown of what each setting is good for?
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