How exciting. Just been tagged by The Old Bill for a book meme, so here goes…
One book that changed your life: Undoubtedly Messy Spirituality, by the late, great Yaconelli. I love stories and the book is full of them and the Yac’s honesty is so liberating. To date I’ve given away seven copies of this book and I’ve one spare on my bookshelf so if anyone wants to do a swap for another good book let me know!
One book that you have read more than once: Hmm… tricky? Pass
One book you'd want on a desert island: 10 Ways to Get Off a Desert Island and A Short History of Nearly Everything, by Bill Bryson. Zoë bought it for me a couple of years ago but due to its immense volume I still I haven’t got round to reading it
One book that made you laugh: Can I have two or is that cheating? Timewasters Letters is hilarious and Eats Shoots and Leaves isn’t far behind.
One book that made you cry: Although I am open to the possibility of crying during the reading of a book and do not have anything against the practice, I cannot recall it ever happening
One book that you wish had been written: Web 2.0 for Illiterate Fools
One book that you wish had never been written: This is a bit harsh but probably Stories We Could Tell by Tony Parsons. Not a bad book, but his other three novels were miles better.
One book that you're currently reading: God’s Politics, by Jim Wallis; thoroughly enjoyable but a bit of an epic so it’s taken sometime to finish (full review to be posted in due course)
One book you've been meaning to read: Jpod, I can proudly say I’ve read and loved every other Doug Coupland book, but now I’ve made it this far I think I’ll just wait for it to come out in paperback.
So now I’ve got to tag someone else. How exciting, it’s like school; Mark and
Becky, Mr Berry, Ben and Chambers, consider yourselves tagged...
sounds like an interesting challenge! i will have to think about this...
Posted by: barky | August 17, 2006 at 01:31 PM