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unless surefish is your isp you will eventually loose your fish webmail account. You should see the forums on the surefish website. I've just had to change mine to gmail. If you want an invite I can send you one


that art looks amazing. I will definately look out for him. Thanks for the tip.

I changes from fish a year ago for the same reason. Pretty depressing to have to say it about an ethical isp - but their service is shite.


I too was a relucant fish deserter.

Mueck is amazing. I first read about him when he was a face/sleaze nation darling back in the late nineties. being up close to one of his larger works is incredible. I've never been to a solo show of his. Must be quite a strange experience.


Hi Mate - where was this? Will it be on at the baltic at any point? We're planning a trip to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park on Sunday - by train - if you're interested?

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