Just got back from the second leg of Youthwork the Conference. This weekend Rob Bell of
Nooma fame was speaking. He was very impressive and came out with this peach of a line;
"Your calling in life is where your greatest passion meets the world's greatest need."
I like that. It made me think a lot.
Much to say, but after two weekends of working it's time to rest...
it is a good line, but it ain't his, he nicked it from mr beuchner
hope you are well
Posted by: paul | November 20, 2006 at 02:49 PM
rob bell always seems to be almost too nice too good
maybe he;s just the good side of mark driscol like they are moral offsets
or maybe ones the angel and the others the deivil
or maybe they we're twins where one got all the good stuff and the oterh all the bad
Posted by: Matybigfro | November 29, 2006 at 03:23 PM