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sounds interesting. looking forward to hearing how this all pans out...


I too felt that, as a 'work in progress', last night was very promising!

Too alternative for the North East? Not in the least! ;)

My own moment came when Zo suggested we take over the spot at Grey's monument and spoof the evangelists that meet there. She dead-panned wonderfully and suddenly I wasn't sure whether she was serious or not. I realised at this point (and earlier, during the 'church as violent husband' image you quoted) that this is real stuff - not just playing.

Real people have been really hurt by Church. Others have seen the hurt and have real anger against the institution. No wonder they won't touch religion with a barge-pole.

If Spirited Exchanges can go even part-way towards offering a solution to this horror, it is surely worth getting behind.


Great blog, by the way. I'll be returning to it.

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