I haven't figured it out precisely, but i think I've now been blogging for nine months and today at about ten o'clock this morning i got my five thousandth hit, care of someone who came from Barky's blog. If you think this is you then email me your address to claim your fairly-traded prize.
It's been a traumatic few months in which so much has changed. Most significantly, I seem to have made a subtle move from being well and truly in the church to being (at-best) on it's edge. Nine months ago I was a youth worker at a trad-Methodist Church (and quite enjoying it) and now I'm not. I chose to move on; to leave that church and look for a job in the charity sector and here i am, 'fighting poverty through trade' and loving every minute.
As a result of my rather messy departure from local church life I have, especially over the past couple of weeks, been trying to figure out my role within the church and similarly within the emerging church conversation. What I don't want to happen is for my frustration to make me bitter and cynical, especially in my blogging, and so for a little while I'm going to say less about the church and more about the world.
Most of the stuff I want to say about the church people on my blogroll say already and they say it much more concisely than I. Furthermore, the life of the church is no-longer part of my day-to-day life; I don't read the articles, read the books or go to the meetings I once did, so there is quite simply less for me to say...
In contrast, I feel I have more than ever to say on issues of peace and justice, not least because that's part of my job. And this does seem to be a bit of a gap in the market, for want of a better phrase; plenty of biblioblogs, plenty of EC blogs; even a handful of theology blogs, but where are the Christian justice and peace blogs, I'm sure there out there, I just need to find them and when I do, I'll let you know.
To all who have had similar alterations in the content of your blog and to all who read this blog fairly regularly (hi mum!) I'd appreciate your comments. Oh and a happy [ethical] Christmas!
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